Media Monitoring
The process of tracking and evaluating mentions of an organization, brand, or specific topics across various media outlets. Media monitoring enables organizations to respond swiftly to media coverage and effectively manage their reputation.
A brief introductory paragraph in an article designed to engage the reader and provide a preview of the content. The perex is crucial for enhancing readership and optimizing search engine visibility (SEO).
Press Kit
A collection of materials prepared for journalists, including press releases, photographs, logos, essential company information, and contact details. A well-organized press kit simplifies the media's work and increases the likelihood of securing publicity.
PR – Public Relations
The strategic management of communications between an organization and the public, aimed at building and maintaining a positive image.
PR (advertising) Article
A paid editorial piece that promotes a product or service in the form of a traditional article, designed to avoid an overt appearance as an advertisement.
Public Affairs
A branch of public relations focused on communication and relationships with government agencies, legislators, and other public officials. Public affairs encompass activities such as influencing public policy, lobbying, and building connections with key decision-makers.
Editorial Content
Content created by the editorial staff of a media outlet, including independent news pieces, feature articles, and reports. In public relations, securing editorial content about an organization or product is valuable, as it is viewed as objective and credible.
Sponsorship Program
A form of advertising in which an advertiser financially supports a specific program or event in exchange for brand promotion related to that content.
Buzz Marketing
A strategy aimed at generating excitement around a product or service through controversial or unconventional content, often involving viral marketing campaigns.